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Energy Medicine

A safe and sacred space is created where the client can allow for the organic release of negative and destructive energies held in the subconscious and cellular memories based on old and false belief systems. During the session, the client is fully clothed on a massage table and assisted through deep breathing, meditative stillness and gentle touch to replace these limiting beliefs and blocked energetic pathways with the Truth, the Trust and the Knowing that All is Well.


This unique form of hands-on energy therapy utilizes a focused, gentle and nurturing touch to relieve tension and stress held in the muscles and nervous system.


Healing is experienced at the cellular level  as Universal Source Energy is infused through focused intention, deep breathing and the resonant entrainment to loving heart vibrations.


The body utilizes the energy in facilitating the release of subconscious blockages and the return to a healthy flow and a renewed vitality.​

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